Wednesday 8 June 2016


Island nuclear accident in the area, like a ghost town

 May 30, Tokyo Electric Power Company publicly acknowledged nuclear accident to conceal the facts, events continue to simmer, since the Chinese visitors to Japan rose last year, it is widely concerned about China's attitude. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei on the 7th at a regular press conference expressed the hope that the Japanese government take a responsible attitude subsequent Fukushima nuclear leak to make it clear that the Foreign Ministry has issued security alert related to Chinese citizens.

 Chinese Foreign Ministry reiterated twice within a few days to travel security alerts

 In response to a reporter's Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima nuclear leak to conceal whether will affect when Chinese people travel to Japan issue, Hong Lei, said:. "Governments have a responsibility to protect the personal safety and legitimate rights and interests of foreign citizens in the country of the Government of Japan intends to how to eliminate the subsequent Fukushima nuclear leak, what specific measures? hope the Japanese government a responsible attitude to this clarification. Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued the relevant security alert, citizens believe that China will make proper arrangements for travel p
lans, protection of their own security. "

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